The characters

Gigantosaurus is a very mysterious character. We don’t know where he lives and no one has ever seen him speak.

Rocky is not one for herd mentality. He wants to be a superhero and superheroes need a bunch of super-friends…

For Bill, Gigantosaurus represents Danger with a capital D! The simple mention of his name is enough to make his blood run cold…

When you’re a triceratops, there are three things (apart from horns) you cannot avoid: mud baths, teeth brushing…

If you thought scientists were bearded Homo Sapiens Sapiens complete with white coats and round glasses…

Cror and Totor
Cror and her brother Totor are young velociraptors that stand about a head taller than our heroes. They’re a bit like bumbling…

This nervous archaeopteryx is a good friend to the four dinos. He is a whistle-blower who never gives his whistle a rest!

Ignatius is an adult compsognathus, one of the smallest dinosaurs there is (under 3 kg).

Ayati is an ancient brachiosaurus, like Bill. She’s the dinosaurs’ elder, a sort of old, wise dino with a sweet smile…

As indicated by her name, Rugo is a rugosodon, a small rodent mammal and a good friend of our heroes!

Termy is a plesiosauroidea type sea reptile. But she calls herself “Terminonator” because it sounds much cooler…

The carnivorous plant
The carnivorous plant tries to eat anything that comes within its reach whether big or small.

Trey is Tiny’s big brother. He is a teenager, he’s kind and protective, but he doesn’t do much thinking.

Marshall, aka “Marsh”, is younger than our four heroes. But he is also taller! That’s so annoying because Marsh is very childish…

Patchy could be an egghead, seeing as he literally has the head of an egg, but he is not…